Saturday, December 30, 2017

Holiday Christmas Winter crafts for kids

Being this is the first year I’ve been a stay at home mom, and it’s winter, I of course started scouting out ideas on things to do in the home that don’t involve much effort or money. Naturally I went to doing crafts. I love doing them, my daughter loves doing crafty things with me. It also lets them be more creative, keeps them busy and they learn by doing. Cutting, gluing, coloring, measuring, mixing, painting, it all counts! 

My favorite so far has been salt dough ornaments. They are super easy to make. In most cases, people have the ingredients already in their cabinet. If not, it’s roughly $2-$3 for all of the ingredients, and you’d have plenty left over for more fun later.
Original pin can be found here.

Salt Dough ornament-Ingredients:
1-cup plain white Flour
1/2-cup table salt
1/2-cup lukewarm water

1. Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Kneed (squish as our LO calls it) together with a spoon or your hands. I found it mixed better with my hands.
NOTE: it helps to put flour on your hands to keep the dough from sticking too much when mixing. Also, I had to add a little extra water(about 1 tablespoon) to the dough when mixing.

2. Once everything is mixed well, sprinkle some flour on a flat, hard, clean surface and roll out the dough with a rolling pin(if you don’t have a rolling pin use a sturdy smooth round glass or cup.)

3. You can use cookie cutters to cut out shapes or do a hand print or foot print. We did both cookie cutter and hand print.

4. Once you have your ornaments cut out you can let them sit out for a little while to get firm and dry up a little before pressing a hole for the ribbon so they can hang. Pick a spot on the ornament, using a pencil, poke one side of the ornament not quite all the way through, then the other side poking all the way through. You can push the pencil through AFTER the second time to make the hole more round.

5. Let the ornaments sit to dry up flipping occasionally. It could take a few days to dry up. Or you can bake them at 250 degrees for 2.5-3hrs flipping every 30min or so. 

6. Once everything is dried up you can paint the ornaments, glue decorations to them, or leave them plain. Use pipe-cleaners, ribbon, shoe lace, twine, or yarn to hang your awesome decoration keepsakes. These are great for inexpensive Christmas gifts for the grandparents or other family members and friends.


Try these other great Christmas/holiday/winter crafts from other pinners!!

Monday, December 18, 2017

My favorite home remedies for head colds


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Tis the season right??? I am over it! As soon as the weather gets cold and that season starts, you hear coughing and snot everywhere. Running from germs as fast as you can. I get this ridiculous image in my head of something like that.

My daughter and I both get hit with it every time. Thankfully my husband doesn't ever seem to get sick. Such is life.

When I get sick the only thing that functions is the remote. Let us watch Mr. Grinch for the 100,000 time. But seriously, moms don't get a day off. What do we do to get through the day? here are some of my favorites if I can find the time before bed time or after I have asked my husband to put LO to bed.

1.)Taking a nice relaxing warm bath/shower. Depending on the severity the moisture from the steam can really alleviate some of the congestion. Most doctors will suggest a lot of fluids, humidifiers, a lot of moisture. This is a no-brainier for most. Although, if you are running a fever it is advised against.

2.)For the sore throat, the BEST tea I have ever used would be the Throat coat tea from Traditional Medicinals. Make sure you read the box in-case of allergies or health conditions, but it is all organic, and tastes pretty good. Of course adding some honey to that always helps.

3.) That good ol' vapor rub that your grandmother's grandmother used. Most will put on the chest. I find it more effective for myself rubbing it on the feet surprisingly. Slip some socks on. You are good to sleep that is.

4.) Rest is a must! Even if that means going to bed early if possible. You can't take care of everyone else, if you can't take care of yourself.

5.) My go to for a stuffed up nose is a nasal spray. It is nearly impossible to get a good nights rest when you cant breath well.

6.) Also, on the moisture bit, steaming over a pot of slightly boiled water with a towel over your head is an old remedy, but a soothing one. You can throw a tablespoon of menthol/vapor rub in the water.

7.) As hard as it can be drink fluids of course. If its juice, broth, tea, water. Whatever. Just do it. 

8.)Last but not least, Netflix. Lol If you can spare the time of course. There is always that.

I hope this helps you in some little way. Thankfully it doesn't last forever.

Friday, December 15, 2017

The Wait-For a grieving heart

I miscarried in August this year. 
It was the most painful, life changing event of my life.
It took me several months to really consider even wanting to get pregnant again after my daughter(now is 3). In January we started trying. Although I know a lot of people try a lot longer, It was starting to get annoying not being able to get pregnant. With my daughter it was so easy. After 6 months of trying, and frustrated beyond belief, I decided to see a doctor(mostly because I was beyond due for that wonderful annual visit, but figured I’d ask some questions as well). Other than some suggestions, the doctor had an inkling I may have been ovulating, or getting ready to. Well, boom I was pregnant! We were pretty excited. We were going to wait until my daughters birthday to tell everyone, but the secret got out sooner than we had hoped it would. Once it was out, we decided to tell everyone after the first ultra sound appointment. Which was a lot sooner than my pregnancy with my daughter. My husband couldn’t make it to the appointment with me due to a family emergency, so I went with my daughter alone. It was such a happy visit. My daughter kept kissing my belly, the tech was really sweet, the baby appeared to even wave to us at one point(of course I know better, but it was a sweet thought). I was about 10wks at that point. The next several days followed and we started to tell people slowly. I just felt like if I told everyone, something was going to happen. The Thursday after my appointment(6 days later) I went to work like any normal day. I started feeling kind of sick, and having some cramping. It went on most of the day. I thought it was normal, because it can be. Later in the afternoon and went to the bathroom and had some very light spotting. I kind of freaked out and called the dr office. After speaking with a nurse and her telling me that anytime there is bleeding involved at that stage of the pregnancy it’s wise to go to the hospital. So I did. I met my husband there. Our daughter stayed with my mother in law. Went into the ER, they registered me, got me in. Did and exam. Ran some tests. Did an ultrasound. Baby seemed to be fine. Heart rate was good. I had a uti, so they sent me home with a prescription. I picked it up on my way home. Picked up dinner and went home. After eating dinner that night, my husband went to get our daughter and I rested on the couch for the evening. After going to bed for the evening and sleeping a few hours I woke with terrible pains in my lower stomach. For two hours I laid in bed crying, wondering what was happening. I eventually started to bleed, and a little after 3am I felt a pop, like my water broke.(I mentioned that to the ER doctor, he told me in the midst of everything that wasn’t what I felt)after the pop I started to bleed and had large clots. My husband got my daughter out of bed, and drove us to the hospital. My mother in law met us there to get our daughter. I laid in the hospital bed with IVs for pain meds and fluids for a couple of hours before getting an ultrasound and having tests done to make certain I miscarried. Our ultrasound tech was the mother of one of my husbands good childhood friend that we still see and speak with. That was a surprise, a comforting surprise. We never saw the baby. It’s possible they retrieved it during my emergency d&c. I couldn’t ask. The whole time between arriving at the hospital and leaving, all I could think about was my husband and how it was affecting him as he waited in the ER room with me, to being entirely alone in the waiting room, to being in recovery with me. After being in recovery I was still praying it was all a nightmare. I took a week off of work to recoup. It was a rough week. It was a rough few weeks. The emotions, the soreness and pain, the bleeding, the loneliness, the emptiness, the defeat, anger, sadness, guilt(not sure why, I suppose feeling the loss of my body not doing what it’s supposedly meant to do the correct way). 

A few weeks passed and I received a text from a friend at church letting me know about a very unique and special event going on a couple weeks following. She got me in contact with one of the coordinating ladies for a women’s retreat coming up. I contemplated going not really knowing what to expect. The info that was given to me was that the event was for women of all ages and stages of grief dealing with miscarriage, stillbirths, and infant loss. It was an entirely free weekend for any of the ladies going. I was pretty petrified of the idea of going to someone’s lake house I didn’t know, in an area I didn’t know, with a bunch of women I didn’t know, to talk about feelings(yuck lol). But I went. After arriving at the house and meeting a few of the women I started to feel more comfortable. I had a roommate too. After meeting her I explained that I had no clue what to expect, she said the same, and if there was a moment to talk about our stories, I’m not so sure I’d be able to share, let alone stay in the living room with everyone. That was a weekend I’ll never forget. It’s hard not to compare when each story is so different. It doesn’t change that either way a child is lost. For a parent, whether it be an early miscarriage, or an infant passing from SIDS, it’s a child that is gone and forever remembered.

And so begins the wait.

One thing I wish I had in this time of waiting and grieving was my family. We live in different states, 1300 miles apart. The weeks following I had a problem being alone, mostly not being with my husband. It wasn’t a life threatening thing, it was more an anxiety of loneliness. I did not want to be alone. We spent some time around my husbands family, as well as my husband and I spending some time together. 

I busied myself at work, and at home(at home was easy to stay busy with a potty training 3yr old, at times that made things hard too). I just didn’t want to think about it. Although, there isn't a day that goes by that I don’t think about it. The more I tried not to think about it, the more I thought about it. The days that were the hardest for me were the days I was at work and could not be near my husband. Not for any reason in particular, other than not feel like I could grieve.

Grieving is so important to dealing with a loss. The worst part about grieving for me is the waiting and the time it takes. Grief hits you at random times. Sometimes when you least expect it. The roller coaster of emotions that come with it are not all that wonderful either.

Over 20 years ago my aunt(my dads sister), died in a car accident due to a drunk driver hitting them head on. Also, killing my 3 cousins and severely injuring our uncle who is still alive. We are all still grieving from that. My grandmother most of all. You can read the story here.

We all grieve in our own way, in our own time. In God’s time. That is definitely one thing I’ve learned in these last 4 months. Everything we feel through grieving, everything we think, everything we remember is in God’s timing. There is no right or wrong. Every situation is different. 

One of the best ways to go through grief is talking about whatever it is you’re going through(and takes a very brave person to do so), as well as keeping a journal. It helps you sort your thoughts and make sense of what is going on. Some of the women I have met(bravest women I’ve ever met) from the earlier mentioned retreat went through counseling. Which of course is highly recommend to most. It’s very important to find a support group of some kind that knows what you are going through. That group of women kinda changed my life. The situation in itself changed my life.

Going from waiting to WANT to grow our family, waiting to get pregnant, finding out we finally were and waiting to tell everyone. To waiting for that dreadful day to be over, waiting for the grief to get easier, waiting to find my purpose again. Give yourself some time. God is good all the time!

Tuesday, July 11, 2017


This post does have affiliate links attached. If you purchase an item through the links in this post I could receive a small commission from the purchase. Your purchase helps support my work and is much appreciated.

This recipe is definitely a family favorite! More often than not it is requested when we are all together. The best part is it is so easy and typically inexpensive and easy to adjust for larger or smaller portions.
1 lb of ground beef, venison, or turkey
1/2 onion
28 oz. Red Chile sauce
24 oz. Jar of chunky salsa
Shredded cheese
Corn tortillas
Black beans(optional, and can be used solely for meat substitute)

1.Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Chop onion, saute in skillet. Brown the beef.
2.Heat salsa, red Chile sauce and black beans in medium-large sauce pan. After beef is brown and ground, mix in with the sauce. It will be like a stew or soup consistency.
3. Place 6-8 tortillas in bottom of a 13 x 9 pan(I use pyrex glass pans which you can order here), something like this:
4. Using a ladle, scoop sauce mixture over tortillas about 3-4 times distributing the mixture evenly. Sprinkle cheese over the mixture. layer another layer of tortillas and repeat until you reach the top of the pan. I usually get about 3 layers. The last layer I top with cheese and cover completely. 
5. Place pan on cookie sheet and bake for 20-30 minutes or until cheese and sauce bubble. ENJOY!

This is a great make ahead recipe. Can be frozen or refrigerated well.

Look out for my Chicken and green Chile enchilada casserole! Follow me on Pinterest and Facebook!

Monday, July 10, 2017


That moment you get shocking news. Everything seems to fall apart in one single moment. Something you can't un-hear or un-know. You wish you had a time machine and everything can be fixed, or decisions can be made differently. The moment you hear it everything unravels and unfolds. Everything starts to make sense. Your stomach turns, you get light headed, your heart starts pounding.

This weekends church service was about Jonah. The story goes like this: God told Jonah to go to Nineveh, Jonah did not want to go(Jonah 1:1-3). Deliberate disobedience from Jonah toward God. Well he got swallowed up by a large fish(Jonah 1:17).
The lesson learned from the weekend service was God intervenes in our lives not only in good ways but in bad ways too. To get our attention. To direct us back to him. To have us obey him.

What do we typically do when bad stuff happens? I'd say as human beings most people have that moment of shock. Some go through stages depending on the severity of the situation.

My grandfather passed away this last weekend. It was coming for a while now. He had heart surgery last fall, with a slow recovery. Has had beginnings of dementia for a few years now. This man was funny, engaging, spunky, loving, encouraging. "Made his worst enemies into his best friend".(quoted from my cousin) He was just that kind of man.

He went on hospice back a couple of months ago, and lasted 2 months almost to the day. My sister spent time with him the day before he passed and said he was still his normal laughing, joking self. It's amazing when hearing the news of his passing the shock, the sadness and grief I immediately felt. I went on a rampage to find old photos of him. Any Photos I could find. This moment in my life is something very real for me. The reality of losing a close, very loved, family member can be a shock regardless of the steps that took place before their passing.

Going back to the beginning, I have been distant from God lately in my relationship with him. For a number of reasons. One mainly being the distance between my family and I. How I cannot be there for them when situations like my grandfathers passing arise, among other situations. I had a moment this past weekend that most definitely brought me back to him in a way I cannot explain.

God places situation in our life to guide us back to him. We have to stand on our own feet, bring our attention to him and follow his lead. My life has been blessed, in that nothing traumatic has happened directly to myself or spouse. We all go through trials and personal things. Just knowing that there is a divine, loving God that cares so much for you that he sent his son to die for you. He placed situations and people in your life to continually bring you back to him. Run back to him.

Please connect with me on Pinterest and Facebook

Friday, July 7, 2017

10 Favorite Children Books

This post does have affiliate links attached. If you purchase an item through the links in this post I could receive a small commission from the purchase. Your purchase helps support my work and is much appreciated.

From day 1 we knew we wanted to start a book collection for the baby that was growing inside me. Thankfully my mother in law kept a lot of my husbands books growing up. That was definitely a good starter! Time went on and we started to collect books from people as gifts. We had a note for the baby shower to include a book instead of a card:
Not this exactly, but something like it!

It has been roughly 3 years since we have had her and have read to her almost every night since. She loves to read stories! I wish we could read all day sometimes. It is definitely not time wasted.

I have put together a list of the 10 favorite books we have cherished over the last few years, and will continue to as we grow!

1. Because a little bug went ka-choo! Dr. Seuss. this one is an ultimate favorite! Our child's nickname from Dad is 'Bug'. She loves the interaction we've created with the book as well.

2. Any Amelia Bedilia books

3. Curious George books. Our favorite gift was the 5 Minute stories: Curious George Book Which you can get here. it gives you multiple stories in 1 book. Curious George is, has been, and always will be a Favorite.

4. Berenstain Bears. There are multiple books from this collection, but our LO loves "Too much pressure" and "Messy Room".

5. Ferdinand the Bull. This is a classic as well as a favorite for us.

7. Little Critters by Mercer Mayer

I really hope you enjoy these books as much as we have! They made wonderful gifts as well! Please connect with me and follow on Pinterest and Facebook

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Gluten Free Cake to DIE for!!

This post does have affiliate links attached. If you purchase an item through the links in this post the blogger could receive a small commission from the purchase directed from the specific link. Your purchase helps support my work.

Back last November we moved out of our house into temporary living in my In Laws basement until we closed on the new house. When moving in to their house we delegated some nights to share the cooking responsibility for the month we were there. Boy am I glad we did that! I found this cake recipe on Pinterest.

My mother in laws Celiac disease took over her body about 10 years ago. I decided to make the recipe gluten free so every could try it. Well that cake did not last long at all. Her and I may have had a second piece. The cake has been requested several times this year already.

Check out the recipe and let me know what you think.

vegetable/Canola oil which ever you prefer(follow the instructions on the box for measurements)
Replace water measurements with Milk or half&half
4 eggs
1/2 cup-Chopped Pecans
I add 1/2 of coconut(optional)

1/2 stick of butter(I use unsalted)
1 can of condensed Milk
1 cup of Chopped Pecans
1/2 cup of coconut

Preheat Oven to 350 degrees.
Mix Cake mix, eggs, oil, and milk in a bowl. Once the cake ingredients are mixed well add the jar of frosting and OPTIONAL pecans and coconut. Pour mixture into a 13 x 9 pan. I use a glass Pyrex pan which you can order here. If using a different pan temp and time may differ. Bake cake mix 30-50 minutes. Check the cake with a toothpick. Once the cake is done baking remove from oven and let cool.

While cake sits and is still warm melt the butter in a medium sauce pan. Once the butter is melted add the condensed milk and stir to combine. Once the butter and condensed milk are combined add pecans and coconut. Do not let boil. When everything is combined well immediately remove from heat and pour over cake. Voila! Best Gluten free cake ever!!

When I made this the first time I used a different oven than the one I have now. It took closer to an hour to bake. The new oven we have in the new house bakes a bit more promptly. I typically check the cake every 20 min, and possibly rotate after checking it the first time so it bakes more evenly.

This pretty much goes with out saying, however I am going to say it. THIS RECIPE CONTAINS NUTS! Definitely not nut allergy friendly.

Let me know what you think!

Encouragement is Healthy for the soul

You know, when you become a mother you dream about how things will be. How things will be different. How life will change. Is it a boy or girl? What will they look like? Are they going to be loud and obnoxious like their mother(I got that one)? Or quiet and to themselves like their father? Can we afford it? How are we going to take vacations? When the baby delivers, will everything go right(that was a big one for me)? I worried so much about something happening the entire time I was pregnant. I remember feeling so uptight the majority of the time I had to cut back on work.

Most girls have their mother not too far in distnace. I on the other hand am one that doesn't. Let me tell you, Things would have been much easier for me had we been closer in distance. Talking on the phone is just not quite the same.
This is a goofy photo of my mother, daughter and I. We had spent some time together back a couple of years ago because she had traveled not too far from where we live. I always find encouragement, confidence, and affirmation when being around my mother. Not insecurities, doubt, or low self esteem. Don't young mother, or first time mothers, have enough to worry about? Having someone in your life that makes you feel like you aren't doing something quite right just because you aren't doing things the way they think you should, or the way they would is enough to make you throw the towel in. I think some people forget how it feels to be a first time parent.

I myself had to navigate through the emotional, hormonal, life altering, energy sucking, wonderful change that came into our lives. I don't even remember what life was like without this kid! But there were some serious mountains I had to climb to get where I am now.

There was the bout of postpartum depression that just about every woman after birthing a child goes through. It was December 2014. I had it in my head we were visiting my family for Christmas that year 1300 miles away, a couple of months after having a baby. When that didn't happen, and I had to continue to go to work(although I was able to bring my daughter with me to work at the time) It was a very dark time in my life. It seemed to me "how am I going to get through this?" I thought every scenario possible to get my little family to New Mexico. It was such a let down for me. I eventually opted for Easter in the spring.

Along the way as I went through that dark time my mother prayed for me, my cousin prayed for me. They both encouraging me to look up, try and see the good in the situation. The above photo is quite a treasure for me, being it was a couple of months after my emotional break down.
That was just one of the many hurdles I've had placed in my life since becoming a mother.

A few weeks ago I was in line at the store (after spending 18 hours on the road and us needing groceries). A gentleman came up behind me in line. I noticed he only had a few items. I suggested he go ahead of me. He politely declined. We chatted a little while waiting in line. He was the kindest man. I'm sure I looked awfully weary, however, the pregnant check out girl seemed a bit more weary. I said my normal 'please and thank you's' and made sure to be kind and smile at her. Often we feel general politeness is enough to make someone's day. As I stood there waiting to gather my change from the girl the gentleman leaned into her and told her "you have a very nice smile. To be smiling at this hour while you are working really says something about a person". She was not smiling. She was tired. But after the man complimented her, she couldn't help but smile. If I had had a stranger compliment or encourage me in my up hill climb to motherhood my days would have been different I am sure. I most certainly learned a lesson that night in the check out.

Unless you have good emotional support, or you are super woman, the only option we have is surrounding ourselves with supportive, uplifting, and encouraging people when it comes to big life changes like having a child. Who are we kidding! We cannot do it alone. We may try, but there is a reason why we fail. We are not meant to be alone. Physical interaction, eye to eye contact is something we need. It is important.

I strongly encourage you to get out and find those emotionally supportive and encouraging people. You may already have those people. Utilize them. Encourage in return! Kind words and compliments can go a lot further than general politeness!

Please follow me on Pinterest and Facebook.