Monday, July 10, 2017


That moment you get shocking news. Everything seems to fall apart in one single moment. Something you can't un-hear or un-know. You wish you had a time machine and everything can be fixed, or decisions can be made differently. The moment you hear it everything unravels and unfolds. Everything starts to make sense. Your stomach turns, you get light headed, your heart starts pounding.

This weekends church service was about Jonah. The story goes like this: God told Jonah to go to Nineveh, Jonah did not want to go(Jonah 1:1-3). Deliberate disobedience from Jonah toward God. Well he got swallowed up by a large fish(Jonah 1:17).
The lesson learned from the weekend service was God intervenes in our lives not only in good ways but in bad ways too. To get our attention. To direct us back to him. To have us obey him.

What do we typically do when bad stuff happens? I'd say as human beings most people have that moment of shock. Some go through stages depending on the severity of the situation.

My grandfather passed away this last weekend. It was coming for a while now. He had heart surgery last fall, with a slow recovery. Has had beginnings of dementia for a few years now. This man was funny, engaging, spunky, loving, encouraging. "Made his worst enemies into his best friend".(quoted from my cousin) He was just that kind of man.

He went on hospice back a couple of months ago, and lasted 2 months almost to the day. My sister spent time with him the day before he passed and said he was still his normal laughing, joking self. It's amazing when hearing the news of his passing the shock, the sadness and grief I immediately felt. I went on a rampage to find old photos of him. Any Photos I could find. This moment in my life is something very real for me. The reality of losing a close, very loved, family member can be a shock regardless of the steps that took place before their passing.

Going back to the beginning, I have been distant from God lately in my relationship with him. For a number of reasons. One mainly being the distance between my family and I. How I cannot be there for them when situations like my grandfathers passing arise, among other situations. I had a moment this past weekend that most definitely brought me back to him in a way I cannot explain.

God places situation in our life to guide us back to him. We have to stand on our own feet, bring our attention to him and follow his lead. My life has been blessed, in that nothing traumatic has happened directly to myself or spouse. We all go through trials and personal things. Just knowing that there is a divine, loving God that cares so much for you that he sent his son to die for you. He placed situations and people in your life to continually bring you back to him. Run back to him.

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