Monday, December 18, 2017

My favorite home remedies for head colds


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Tis the season right??? I am over it! As soon as the weather gets cold and that season starts, you hear coughing and snot everywhere. Running from germs as fast as you can. I get this ridiculous image in my head of something like that.

My daughter and I both get hit with it every time. Thankfully my husband doesn't ever seem to get sick. Such is life.

When I get sick the only thing that functions is the remote. Let us watch Mr. Grinch for the 100,000 time. But seriously, moms don't get a day off. What do we do to get through the day? here are some of my favorites if I can find the time before bed time or after I have asked my husband to put LO to bed.

1.)Taking a nice relaxing warm bath/shower. Depending on the severity the moisture from the steam can really alleviate some of the congestion. Most doctors will suggest a lot of fluids, humidifiers, a lot of moisture. This is a no-brainier for most. Although, if you are running a fever it is advised against.

2.)For the sore throat, the BEST tea I have ever used would be the Throat coat tea from Traditional Medicinals. Make sure you read the box in-case of allergies or health conditions, but it is all organic, and tastes pretty good. Of course adding some honey to that always helps.

3.) That good ol' vapor rub that your grandmother's grandmother used. Most will put on the chest. I find it more effective for myself rubbing it on the feet surprisingly. Slip some socks on. You are good to sleep that is.

4.) Rest is a must! Even if that means going to bed early if possible. You can't take care of everyone else, if you can't take care of yourself.

5.) My go to for a stuffed up nose is a nasal spray. It is nearly impossible to get a good nights rest when you cant breath well.

6.) Also, on the moisture bit, steaming over a pot of slightly boiled water with a towel over your head is an old remedy, but a soothing one. You can throw a tablespoon of menthol/vapor rub in the water.

7.) As hard as it can be drink fluids of course. If its juice, broth, tea, water. Whatever. Just do it. 

8.)Last but not least, Netflix. Lol If you can spare the time of course. There is always that.

I hope this helps you in some little way. Thankfully it doesn't last forever.

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